Jesus Identifies With Us


Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented.

Matthew 3:13–15


In our family devotions, we started reading Matthew’s gospel and recently looked at Jesus’ baptism. After reading this incredible story, I asked my kids why John was baptizing people. They answered with preparing the way for Jesus and because people were repenting for their sins.

Then I asked them, if Jesus didn’t have any sin to repent of, why was he asking to be baptized? They said he did it to teach us and show us what we should do. They are some smart kids! Then, we discussed another reality this scripture teaches us: that Jesus was baptized to identify with us. I then shared this analogy with them.

Most of us have likely seen the touching and emotional videos where a patient with cancer, preparing for their treatment, has the emotional experience of shaving their head. These are people walking through one of their darkest days. Yet, there are beautiful cases where a family member, close friend, or even a sympathetic stranger sits in the chair and has their head shaved along with them.

So why? Why does the one with a healthy body sit in the chair and undergo the same process of loss and grief as the one with cancer? Because the one who has no disease chooses to idenifty with the one who does. They are willing to say, “I’m with you to the fullest extent I can be. You are not alone.”

When I shared this analogy with my kids, it pressed on my soul how much my Savior loves me. In perfect relationship with our Creator and King, Jesus was willing to identify with my lost, sick, and broken spiritual condition. In his perfection, he was still willing to say, “I’m with you,” as I sat condemned and wretched.

But it’s even better. Because where a family member or friend cannot exchange their health to take the cancer from the one they love, no matter how much they want to, our Savior is entirely able to take our disease of sin and give us his perfect righteousness. He not only identified with us in our need for repentance but also stood in our place to take our just penalty for our sins. He took the wrath we deserved, our condemnation and death, and gave us forgiveness and life!

So for the one who repents, placing their faith in Christ and confessing him as Lord, he identifies with us to the fullest! He does not stand far off casting judgment but has come close to know us and supply every need we have to be made right with God—the one our hearts were designed to be satisfied by all along.

Shawn Collins

Shawn is the artist and creator of Christ Life Art. He lives in Oklahoma City, OK with his family and creates art for God’s glory.


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Punched In The Face